Catalog: N° 13
Description and Measures: Bases Benches
Heigh: 0,30 mt.
Width: 0,25 mt.
Catalog: Moulded flat top on table base N° 9
Description and Measures: Bases benches
Heigh: 0,37 mt.
Width: 0,33 mt.
Catalog: Benche
Description and Measures: 2 Molded top and two bases
Heigh: 0,43 mt.
Width: 1,50 mt.
Catalog: Moulded flat top on table base N° 12
Description and Measures: Bases benches
Heigh: 0,36 mt.
Width: 0,31 mt.
Catalog: Modern Benche
Description and Measures:
Heigh: 0,40 mt.
Width: 1,20 mt.
Bases width: 0,40 mt.